Room number:

4209, 4211 in one piece

Laboratory manager:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tufan Kumbasar

Laboratory staff:

Res. Asst. Ömer Faruk Dik

General information:

This laboratory serves as a research laboratory for the Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems research group. The main goal of the laboratory is to develop theoretical artificial and computational intelligence methods and/or deploy them in real-time applications. The main activities involve the following research areas:

  1. Fuzzy Logic from Type-1 to Type-n
  2. Neural Networks from Shallow to Deep
  3. Machine Learning from Supervised to Unsupervised and Reinforcement
  4. Control Systems from Conventional to Intelligent
  5. Optimization from Local to Global
  6. Autonomous Systems from UAVs to AGVs

The AI2SL provides the necessary facilities and materials for graduate and undergraduate students who are willing to do their graduation projects or postgraduate level research studies to support their BSc project and MSc/PhD thesis. The complete list of publications conducted under the supervision of the Faculty is available online at The conducted research activities are regularly shared via the YouTube channel

It is planned to do further improvements for the laboratory by adding new equipment and expanding our field of research on new interdisciplinary areas through funded research projects of TÜBİTAK, Aselsan Inc., and industrial partners.

Laboratory facilities:

Equipment Used For
CompecTA Nova Engine™ G80Ti Developing AI models
Workstation Computers ( 3 units) Developing AI models, real-time control studies
Mini Autonomous Race Car Developing AI based autonomous systems
Parrot Bebop Drone Developing of intelligent navigation methods
Parrot Mambo mini-drone (3 Units) Developing of intelligent navigation methods
DJI Tello drone (2 Units) Developing of intelligent navigation methods
Crazyflie 2.0 nano quadcopter (2 units) Developing of intelligent navigation methods
Kinect 2.0 camera system (2 Units) Precise location information
3D printer Quick material production
Myo armband EMG and IMU sensor kit
Sphero spherical robot (4 Units) Developing of intelligent control methods
Anki Cozmo robot (2 Units) Human Machine interaction
GUNT RT552 pH-Value Control Trainer Experimental introduction to process control using an example of continuous pH-value control